home library audio contact

Why do I collect?
As a child I always wanted a Stylophone, but my parents gave me a different Christmas present: a Lite 'n Learn electronic organ by Concept 2000. A very cheap sounding machine with LED's. In relation to the very popular Stylophone, this Concept 2000 organ is incredibly hard to find these days. On my search for it, some other great little musical machines appeared in my life - so I wasn't able to resist these wonderful toys. They have interesting sounds. They are often well-designed and show great box-art. Unfortunately, most of these musical toys haven't fulfilled the dreams they promised. So they often ended up in the trash. That's why most of them are very rare today.

What do I collect?
I'm focussed on 70s and 80s electronic musical toys - mostly organs - and only a few are older or newer. I only collect electronic machines - not electric, not electromechanical and not mechanical!

How big is the collection?
When I started collecting, which was around 2001, I thought the collection will go up to 40-50 pieces maximum. Now (April 2005) there are around 180 toys here at home.
The website shows only the highlights but it is possible I want to show all. There one or two updates every year... so check this site from time to time. And if you find something I don't have... let me know. You'll always get nice emails from me...


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home library wanted contact